An injured person involved in a car crash accident is often confused , scared and hurt after an accident, causing them to make poor judgments. As a trial lawyer of over 33 years in representing car crash victims in upper Manhattan, Bronx , Brooklyn and all boroughs of New York City Supreme Civil Courts , it is important for you the victim of a collision to remember the following actions which could impact whether you get just compensation for your injuries .
Do's and Dont's Following a Car Crash
1) Don't get out of the car and leave your seat belt on until the police direct you.
2) Call 911 if you are injured .
3) Don't refuse medical attention at the scene .
4) take photos and videos of the cars or vehicles involved and the driver of the other vehicle to document the position of the cars and roadway.
5) If a witness approaches you ask and get their phone number and contact information or ask them to call you and give them your phone number.
6) Ask the driver of the other car for his or her insurance information.
1) Never admit fault for the accident .
2) Don't leave the scene of the accident .
3) Never avoid or refuse to speak to the police .
1) One way is to Google names of attorneys in your neighborhood or borough who handle accident and injury cases. Interview and review the track records and verdict reports of the attorney you are considering to hire and then schedule a meeting with them to ask questions .
2) Don't wait too long to hire an attorney . A No - Fault application with your insurance carrier has to be filed in 30 days from the accident to get medical benefits and lost wages paid that result from your accident .
3) Don't go back to work right away until you are examined and have a doctor's clearance . If you don't have a broken bone or a medically objective injury causing a significant limitation , resuming all of your usual and customary activities in the first 90 out of 180 days may hurt your chances to recover any money.
4) Ask the lawyer you are considering to hire how many similar cases he has tried to verdict and what were the results. Many lawyers boast of millions of dollars won or recovered, but cant tell you the specifics of the case . Remember each case is unique and stands or falls on its own merits.
5) Realize that you must prove a " serious injury " in New York to recover any money from a car accident.
6) The bigger the firm is not necessarily the right attorney for your case. An experienced trial lawyer with less volume cases , can devote more time and effort to maximize your recovery in a settlement or verdict.
At Lemmo Law , the office of Edward Lemmo Esq. we have the experience and track record to get you maximum compensation and explain the pitfalls and merits of your case.
Call us at 646-522-9082 for a free consultation .
Ed Lemmo
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